Happy 2019 from HotShot Charters
Welcome to the New Year…
We at HotShot Charters have charged into the New Year with gusto…
We arrived home shortly before Christmas last year and hit the ground running.
We finally have some time to bae able to catch everyone up with whats been going and what is in the plans for the future…
HotShot is excited to announce that this year our Captain Craig “Sparra” Denham has been awarded the Top Tagging Captain of the Pacific for black marlin from the Billfish Foundation
And for the 2nd year in a row we have another top tagging angler award this one going to Sean Van Veijeren for 2018.
If you haven’t signed up with the Billfish Foundation you can follow the link above.
Back on the Gold Coast
Once we arrived home we did not waste any time going into our season here on the coast.
Our first couple of trips fishing was a bit slow but that has all change….
We have had some amazing fishing for both Heavy and Light tackle charters.
The bait both inshore and offshore is thick with slimy mackerel thick and fat.
We are already taking bookings into the month of March so if you have been wanting to fish the Gold Coast now is your chance.
Fishing High Lights
Some of our highlights already for 2019 are:
Beautiful blue marlin caught in shore estimated 115kilo

Striped Marlin up to 115 kg’s

We have had a lot of first time anglers out with us and its always an honor to be apart of something so special like Trina fishing with her dad Robert ( who has spent a lot of time fishing for the giant blacks )

And “The Boys” doing a bit of Pre-Comp reconnaissance with us getting some amazing experience for first time anglers like this black that Pete fought for just over 3 hours on 10kg…

We cant believe how big the black marlin are currently on the Gold Coast

Finally Our Cairns 2019 Season

We are almost completely booked out for our Cairns 2019 heavy tackle giant black marlin season and are starting to book into 2020. For more information on how to get a spot be sure to send us an email
We are trying to find two mobs on the Gold Coast. One is called Tim Scantlebury and the other is called Dillon Walker. Do you know anything about them? Especially Tim. He is a thief, rapist, etc