Cairns 2018
Hotshot had a great trip coming up the coast of Queensland to start our Cairn 2018 giant black marlin season. We made great time and had amazing weather, making stops in Airlie Beach, Townsville and into Innisfail for their light tackle comp.
The fishing in Innisfail was a bit slow with a total of 12 fish tagged for the entire comp. The organisers of the comp did a great job, the food was amazing and it was great to be apart of Innisfail 2018.
Hotshot arrived in Cairns yesterday and will be heading out on Tuesday as a bit of wind has come in.
We will spend the next week working our way further North to Cooktown to start our heavy tackle.
2018 is looking to be an exciting season with some old guests coming back and new one all looking for that one fish.
We have 1 spot available for 2018 and are prime dates leading into the new moon.
This will the first week of October departing and returning to Cooktown.
For booking inquires